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Qualification: Chartered Accountant
15+ years of Experience with HUL, L'Oreal India etc in the field of Finance
Started this company in 2011 with a vision of making Biocrux India a world class company which can support waste management activity through innovative technology in most environment friendly way.
Qualification: Polymer Engineer
25+ years of experience in Innovation, New technology and value engineering at Akzonoble, ICI paints
One of the most important pillars of Biocrux is Innovation and 360-degree solution i.e. disposing / recycling of waste generated from Biocrux machines. Developed several innovative uses like PET flakes to Paint, structural items like dustbin, master batches and textile products.
Qualification: MBA
18+ years of experience in the automobile industry, supply chain.
Leading vertical of Production and meeting the demand and supply.
Qualification: BE- Computer / MBA
14+ years of experience in the Mobility and automation domain with Reliance Communication,, Tata Tele Services and worked as a founding team member with OneAssist Consumer Solution for setting up Mobile Assistance Vertical Business.
Leading vertical of Technologies and Automation requirement for Biocrux India.
Total RVM Machines
Number of Bottles Recycled
CO2 Reduction
Landfill Reduction